The Spaces Between | Iris Aspinall Priest

EXHIBITION | 16th - 24th October 2009

Gallery opening times:
Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th October, 10am – 4pm
Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th October, 10am – 4pm

Preview: Friday 16th October, 6pm – 8pm

The Spaces Between is a show of new, site-responsive drawing and paintings by the Newcastle based artist Iris Priest.

The exhibition questions the authority of historical documents and paradigms in their capacity to interpret and convey the reality of the past. In the show the varied history and incarnations of the building at 36 Lime Street – as documented both through the archives, newspaper stories and rumour – is imagined, explored and recast.

The Spaces Between seeks to establish a poetic archaeology of the space in which it exists. What this process uncovers is a space which hovers between certainty and uncertainty, the past and the future, and between truth and fiction.


About 36 Lime Street’s Gallery Programme

As part of a wider audience development plan 36 Lime Street has recently developed a gallery space. A pilot programme of exhibitions and events, has been co-ordinated to run from May through to November 2009 which will encompass painting, sculpture, installation, drawing and three-dimensional design.